life events (e.g., weddings, birthdays, graduations, and memorials) featuring copyrighted music.
life event videos (e.g., memorial videos and yearbook videos) featuring copyrighted music.
life event videos to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or your own website for up to 1 year.
Up to 10 total DVD and digital copies of the life event video to family and friends.
Why choose liSynce?
Instant sync permissions
from over 5,000 music publishers.
A single, low monthly
royalty fee
that allows organizations to budget more effectively.
for all life events, protecting organizations and their clients from copyright risks.
About Us
Tresóna is a music copyright licensing agent for major and independent music publishers in the United States and across the globe.
Tresóna issues thousands of music copyright licenses (including for print, sync, grand rights, and remix rights) each year to schools, colleges and universities, community organizations, professional organizations, and military and government entities.
Visit to learn more.
Music copyright licensing can be a complex, time consuming, and expensive process. Our newest offering, liSynce, seeks to make on-demand video streaming, DVD, and digital download permissions quick, easy, and affordable.
With liSynce, organizations can obtain the necessary music copyright permissions to videotape their life events or create life event videos and make them available online for on-demand streaming, and provide DVD or digital download copies to family and friends. There are no limits to the number of videos or musical works used. All you have to do is record, upload, and report.